

Avoid any activity that will cause you to sweat on the day of your treatment. Do not take Aspirin, Fish oil, Coumadin, Vitamin E or Ibuprofen 48-72 hours prior before treatment, unless medically advised. Paracetamol is fine. You must have stopped taking acne medication (Accutane) for at least one year prior to treatment. Avoid caffeine and alcohol the day before, on the day and the day after your treatment. Smoking will cause the pigment to prematurely fade. You are responsible for maintaining your appointments.

Avoid having fake tan/sunburn on your face/brows on the day of your treatment as this can be restricting to an accurate colour match, as well as a barrier to treatment being carried out. If you arrive at your appointment with a fake tan/sunburn you may be required to reschedule, and your deposit may be forfeited. I reserve the right to apply my own discretion if I feel that pre-procedure advice has not been followed. Please keep growing your brows as much as you can before your appointment, as I will tidy them on the day. It is also recommended to wait at least 30 days if you have them tinted/waxed after the procedure, so you’re fully healed.


After your treatment, when you get home after 30-60 minutes, please clean the treated area with cool, boiled water using clean cotton pads to remove any blood/lymphatic fluid. Repeat this twice more leaving 2 hourly intervals in between. Then dry heal for the next 13 days. If you accidentally wet the area, use a dry tissue, and pat gently. On day 3 if you feel your brows are very dry, you may use a small amount of aftercare ointment (provided to you on the day of treatment), but please don’t over moisturise them as this may cause fading within the pigment. Only touch the area with clean hands during the healing process. Any scabbing or flaking will naturally shed. Some itching is normal, but please don’t pick, peel, or scratch the treated area as the colour may heal unevenly and you will risk scarring and infection. It is very important that you DO NOT apply any creams or makeup on the treated area for two weeks after your treatment. You can get the area wet after two weeks from your initial treatment, but only if all the scabs have disappeared. Your aftercare procedure is just as important as your initial treatment. Absolutely NO exercise, swimming, sunbathing, sun beds, saunas, direct shower spray, water or makeup should be applied in the area during the healing period. (14 days after treatment) Avoid sleeping on your face for two weeks after the treatment.

It is recommended to apply some Vaseline to your brows when swimming after they’ve healed to protect the colour and stop chlorine/salt water from entering.


There are many factors that can affect the result of your ‘new’ brows. The main factor is the aftercare. The better you look after your brows the longer they will last. Our skin changes as we age so eventually, your brows may look more powdered. This happens with all SPMU procedures and is very common. The area will shed, taking some colour and this is completely normal. The brows will start to oxidise and darken over the 1st month and is common to have some areas fading more than others. This is all part of the healing process and will be treated at the retouch appointment. Skin type is also another factor that can affect the result. If you have oily skin, your results will look softer and more powdered instead of crisp. If you have dark skin, please be aware your SPMU may not appear as bold as lighter skin tones.